One day at the end of March, I just needed to get out of the house. I had heard that my Decree Absolute had come through and, even though it was my decision to leave (what a tough decision to make!), it still brought up so many emotions.
So I decided to walk to along to my new favourite cafe/restaurant and treat myself to a cuppa and a piece of cake. I took along my small sketchbook as I knew they have a lovely interior full of interesting things and I'd never sketched in there before.
My delicious carrot cake arrived with my tea and I did a couple of sketches.
The waitress caught sight of my sketchbook and asked if she could take a photo of it for the owner because she would love it. Of course I said yes!
They started following me on social media and I said they could hand out my Easter colouring page over the holidays to the children who visited. I mentioned I did art classes and it was serendipity that they were looking to host some arty events just like my classes.
So, I'm excited to say that the first class is this Sunday, 21st May at 11am. Doing a nature sketch, learning how to use pen and watercolour together to make a loose sketch.
There are only 4 spaces remaining so get in touch if you'd like to book your place ~ The plan is to have a class every month so if you can't make this one, then email me to ask to be subscribed to my newsletter and you'll be the first to know the dates.
It just shows you...that everything happens for a reason!
1 comment
Can you add my details for a list of up coming classes please